/ Category: Events

Category: Events

2018 Christmas Worship Service

Come and worship for the born of baby Jesus Christ! We will have the worship service on Sunday just before Christmas at the Montreal Church

2019 NEW-YEAR Service

Let us wrap up the old year with God and start a new year with God, this way you will can gain the wisdom and

Spring Concert

Montreal Immanuel Church is gearing up for the advent Spring Concert to be held on March 9th.

Christmas Retreat

The retreat is held 23rd~25th at the end of the season and will unite members regionally in biblical fellowship and study. OA USA has announced

Christmas Concert

Montreal Immanuel Church is gearing up for the advent Christmas concert to be held on December 15.

Labor Day

Labor Day is on the first Monday of September every year. It was originally organized to celebrate various labor unions’ strengths of and contributions to